We’re Expecting a BabyCakes: Part Three Our IVF Transfer

Final update on my pregnancy experience including my IVF Transfer!

Well we have come to the final installment of our Baby Cakes journey. Once again, I want to thank you all for your support when sharing this very personal story.  

Jocelyn with her aunt, far left, mom and grandmother under some trees

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During the last post, I shared what happened when we retrieved my eggs, made them embryos and how we had five remaining embryos by the end of it all.  It was officially time to plan for our IVF transfer.


The hubby and I had a trip planned to Paris while I prepped.  I started taking estrogen and progesterone to prepare. My levels were once again tested regularly to ensure they were rising to the correct levels to properly prepare for the transfer to work.  Everything seemed to be going super well until I was in Salt Lake City speaking at Everything Food and my doctor’s office called in a prescription that I had to begin immediately that wasn’t at any pharmacy in the entire state of Utah.  I literally called every single Walgreens and grocery store pharmacy until I lucked up on one CVS at a Target that was 5 miles away that had the goods!  It was a miracle.  My girls Lindsay and Julianne went with me like the angels they are to get my meds.  This almost halted my transfer date but it all worked out thank God.


As soon as I returned home to Chicago, it was time to get going.  My levels were checked one last time, and I was given the go ahead for the IVF transfer.  I started my transfer day early with acupuncture to get my blood circulation really going.  It helps a ton with embryo implantation.  Next we headed straight to the hospital.  I needed to arrive early in the morning with a full bladder.  That was seriously the hardest part of the entire transfer.  Holding that much liquid while the embryo was implanted was a trip but it was so so worth it.    

Jocelyn Delk Adams and her husband share a hug before the IVF Transfer Process


Frederick and my cuz/lil sis Ros scrubbed up and went in during the procedure, which I was fully awake for.  It was so magical to see them take my Baby Cakes and place her inside me.  I basically witnessed her conception.  Right after the transfer, I headed back to acupuncture for another session.  This one was more relaxing.  I seriously fell asleep right on the table listening to my meditations.  It restored me and put me in the right frame of mind.

Jocelyn's first cousin poses for a photo before the IVF Procedure


Then I just had to wait.  I had to wait 11 days to find out if my baby implanted.  I know many don’t wait that long and start testing with home pregnancy tests right away but I just trusted God and knew that I could wait until my appointment.  I also didn’t really adhere too much to the rules like bed rest and relaxing.  I was seriously on the go the very next day going grocery shopping and running errands.  I had serious cramping the entire week, which I knew was a great sign.  Some type of implantation was definitely taking place.  When I went back to the doctor to have my blood tested, I knew without a doubt that I was pregnant.  I 100% knew.  I saw signs everywhere of my baby’s name (we selected a month prior), and it confirmed it for me.  I waited patiently for the call that afternoon and heard the fantastic news.  I was so excited that I went out to buy a pregnancy test so I could test it and have the physical proof for when the hubby returned home. It was so amazing!


Following the fantastic news, I went to a total of three ultrasounds to confirm pregnancy and progression of the pregnancy.  As soon as the heartbeat was seen, I was released and graduated from the practice.  Off to my regular OB I went.  Now I realize that this story has an incredible ending.  I know that the stats for 36 year old women getting pregnant on their first IVF cycle aren’t that high but I just believed from the very beginning that this was our baby and this was going to work for us.  I just “knew”.

Photo of the uterus

I also realized how blessed we were to even pay for IVF.  Let me just say that IVF is not a cheap process.  I thank God everyday that we were able to have some insurance coverage and pay the balance since a single cycle can run upwards of $20k!  And that isn’t even including medications.


Some of the practices that I think truly helped with a successful first IVF cycle were the following:

  • I went to acupuncture once a week for three months.  It was absolutely incredible.  Mei Ling, my acupuncturist, will forever be one of my angels.  Going there was so calming for my soul and so centering.  
  • I went paleo and totally cleaned up my diet, and I had Frederick do it too.  It wasn’t so so hard for me but terribly difficult for the hubby.  Ya see, Frederick LOVES pizza and all things bad so it was a bit shocking to change his entire diet but we did it and we did it together.  In fact, a lot of our diet changes have stayed permanently.  
  • I stayed very centered believing God for HIS promise for a child for my family and stayed within a positive vibration and the law of attraction.  I believe that energy is so important.  I only wanted to hear positive things and stay in a positive state.  


During this journey I learned so much about what I wanted and what I was capable of.  I pushed myself to the brink keeping up work and several trips during the first trimester (probably not the best idea since I was absolutely exhausted and sick sometimes) but my baby and I made it through.  I learned how much I wanted my baby.  IVF teaches you sacrifice for someone else right from the very beginning.  I also learned how important it is to rely on others to help you make this dream come true.  Get your family involved and let them know every step of the way how you are feeling and if you need anything.    


And lastly, I want to encourage women who have had similar stories or any shame regarding getting pregnant to shed that guilt and shame right now!  You have nothing to feel ashamed about.  The struggle of getting pregnant can be so debilitating sometimes.  You can be asked over and over by family members and complete strangers why you don’t have kids yet.  I think it is the worst thing you can ask a woman.  Maybe she doesn’t want kids!  Maybe she has tried for years to conceive!  I think we need to be more compassionate.  It is this shame that causes so many families with infertility struggles to shy away from sharing.  I really hope that by sharing my story, it helps you to share yours!  Thank you all again so much for the love and support.  It has meant so much to me and my family.

Filed Under:  Features, Life Stuff and Reviews


  1. Jocelyn I know your baby is now 7 months. I read this post for the first time and I literally have tears in my eyes. You have such a beautiful soul. I feel like you’re my sister (lol). I am 39 and do not have kids. Whenever someone asks me why I don’t have children, I feel terrible. I want a baby but I don’t think people understand that sometimes it’s not that easy for some women. I think my family have given up on me having a child. But I believe one day God will bless me with the desires of my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your stories and recipes! You are truly a blessing to women, especially ME! Congrats on your baby, she’s beautiful!!

    1. Awww thank you so much for the sweet message. I totally understand your plight. My daughter is now 21 months! Can you believe that? She is almost 2 years old. Gosh she is my biggest blessing ever, and I am so so grateful to have her. I will pray for you. You can still have the desires of your heart. It is not too late for you!

  2. Jocelyn! I don’t even know how I came across your site, but I’m so glad I did. Has it been that long since you left the office? It’s so cool to see our patients happy and their dream of having a family comes true. You were a pleasure to work with and always came in with a smile! Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations on your first pregnancy! You look so gorgeous and I hope that all will be well. This may sound like a dumb question but what happens to the other five or four embryo’s you have left?

    Also, just wanted to comment that I always use your recipe for red beans and rice. It is amazing and turned me into a bean lover. LOL!

    1. Thank you so much Stephanie. We actually kept our embryos so if we want more children, we can go back for another transfer. I’m so glad you always enjoy the red beans and rice!!

  4. You are glowing, Jocelyn! That first picture is just so beautiful. May God’s hand be upon you and your pregnancy. <3

  5. Thank you so much for all the encouraging words for others and all of the wonderful ways you teach people to keep on top of everything even though you may be feeling down , you just smile and charge right on thru. Blessings to you and your husband on the baby, and special blessings to our Father for helping in the whole process. May everything go smoothly and may you have a wonderful delivery and enjoy your sweet babycakes so much. Absolutely cannot wait to try some of your recipes!!!!

    Much Love

    1. Wow thank you so so much Cindy for the super kind and sweet words. I truly appreciate them. We feel so honored and blessed.

  6. Hi Jocelyn,
    You are so brave for telling your story. I have two beautiful children from IVF. Those 5 years, were a real struggling battle for me and not much support from my family members. I am glad that you have the best support from family and friends. Take care of yourself! Love your recipes 🙂 I will keep you in my prayers! ~Anna

    1. Oh wow this is so amazing Anna! I am so grateful for your prayers, and I am so glad that you have two wonderful children from IVF! What a blessing.

  7. God Bless you and your entire family!! Thank you for sharing your experience with us, your fans. You are such a gifted writer as well, please consider also something along those lines as well! I’ll be the first one to buy your book!!! God Bless! Please, send us photos and a story after the baby arrives.

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