Welcome to the Soul Food Movement!

Jocelyn Delk Adams smiling with her hands on her hips and wearing a sleeveless dress and balloons in the background with the words, "Welcome to Grandbaby Cakes' Soul Food" on the left

What is the GBC Soul Food Movement?

The Grandbaby Cakes’ Soul Food Movement was specifically created for those starved for something more in their lives.  It is time for a little feeding of our souls! Through our monthly community challenges starting in January 2017, our community can find their recipe for success and living in purpose.  Each challenge will nourish and feed our community emotionally, mentally and spiritually with the motivation and inspiration they desperately need to stay on track to making their dreams come true.

Why the GBC Soul Food Movement?

We all have goals beyond our wildest dreams that we hope to achieve.  The problem is we don’t usually have the support and accountability to keep us motivated.  For the next year and beyond, I want to help provide a community of dreamers, believers and doers with the resources, inspiration and support they desperately need so their purpose can take flight!

We usually all begin each year the same way. we all start the same.  We have the resolutions in place, and we are inspired to do our best.  Around March, those resolutions have fallen to the wayside.  Trust me when I can tell you that I have been there, done that.

I truly believe that working together will help us get to the top of the mountain together.  Each step of the way, we can support and encourage each other.  Consistency and faith are our road map and our recipe for the success we desire.  So let’s work together to make it happen!

How Does GBC Soul Food Work?

Each month, I will host a themed challenge right here on my website and in our newly formed Facebook Group.  Monthly challenges, homework assignments, themed books and more will be announced each week on my Facebook page.  Also look forward to monthly theme experts that will join me to offer resources, advice and information during facebook lives as well.   You don’t want to miss this!  A regular schedule will be coming soon!

How Can I Become Part of the GBC Soul Food Movement Community?

I have started a Facebook Group HERE dedicated to those who want to truly change their lives for the better in 2017 by participating in our challenges.  You can talk about anything you want and get as much support as you need.  You can share your goals out in the open knowing that it is a safe space.  We will be there as a community to see you through.

The first month, January 2017, will be all about Vision and Purpose!  So get ready.  I can’t wait to share all I have and learn from all of you.  This is a very different path for Grandbaby Cakes but I can’t wait to accept the challenge and try something new I’ve been called to do.

So if you are ready, jump aboard.

Join our Facebook Group here!
Follow Grandbaby Cakes on Facebookto follow along for the Facebook Live Videos!
Subscribe to Grandbaby Cakes on Youtube to see additional videos
And let’s get cooking!
Check out some of my soul food dishes below!
Filed Under:  Features, Life Stuff and Reviews


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